Harry F. and Clenora P. Goeben Tombstone   ‎(M76)‎

Harry F. and Clenora P. Goeben Tombstone
Image Dimensions 432 x 288

File Size 46.45 kb

External File

Format: jpg
Title: Harry F. and Clenora P. Goeben Tombstone
Type Tombstone
Last Change 10 April 2013 - 13:31:30 - by: jimgoeben

The image relates to:

IDRecordGIVNLast Changeby
I236Harry Fredrick Emil August Goeben16 April 2013 - 8:36:18amjimgoeben
I312Clenora Pearl Schumacher16 April 2013 - 8:34:49amjimgoeben
Given Names

Total links: 2