Compact Chart:
Charles Gibson

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Arthur A. Gibson
1891-1930 ‏(38)‏
Compact Chart: I879
Randall L. Gibson
1923-1987 ‏(63)‏
Compact Chart: I1039 Charles Gibson
1951-1979 ‏(28)‏
Compact Chart: I1040
Iola Van Caster
1919-1993 ‏(74)‏
 Compact Chart: I878
Wilhelm Langner
1834-1906 ‏(72)‏
Compact Chart: I752
Gustav Phillasch
Compact Chart: I780 Selma A. Phillasch
1900-1967 ‏(67)‏
Compact Chart: I779 Rosine E. Langner
Compact Chart: I464
Johanna Augusta Nitschke
1848-1926 ‏(77)‏

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